The Greenwich 0 to 4 service is for parents and carers of babies and children from birth until just before they start school. The service supports parents and carers to give their babies, children and young people the best possible start in life. We provide 5 mandated checks starting with an antenatal contact; we also offer support and evidence-based advice about your child’s development and growth, healthy eating, physical activity, emotional wellbeing and immunisations.

We’ll support you to become confident in looking after the health and development needs of your child from when they are born to when they transition into adulthood. We will also provide support to children and young people as they grow and develop, offering information and advice as and when needed.

Whether you’re concerned about feeding, sleeping, behaviour or development our team of fully qualified and experienced Health Visitors and healthcare professionals are here to advise and support you with bringing up your child to be healthy and happy. Whatever your concern, no matter how small you think it may be, we are here to help.

Midwives are specialists in pregnancy and birth and will look after mother and baby during labour and birth, and up to 28 days after baby is born. When your baby is 10 days old the Midwives will handover care to the Health Visitors.

Health Visitors are qualified Nurses or Midwives who have completed further training. The Health Visitor is there to support you as a parent in raising a happy and healthy child; working together with you to give your child the best possible start in life. As far as possible we will try to ensure that you see the same Health Visitor at each visit so that you know who to expect.

When and where should I expect to see my Health Visitor?

A Health Visitor will meet you before your baby is due (around 28 weeks into pregnancy, known as your antenatal visit), then they will see you when your baby is 10 to 14 days old. The Health Visitor will come to your home for these visits and they’ll phone you to arrange a convenient time.

When your baby is 6 to 8 weeks old your Health Visitor will phone you to arrange a convenient time to meet either at home or at a Children’s Centre.

When your baby is 9-12 months old, and again when they reach 2 to 2½ years old, you will be invited by letter to meet the Health Visitor at a clinic or Children and Family Centre. This letter will contain a questionnaire for you to complete before you meet the Health Visitor which you bring along with you.

If you need an interpreter for a face to face appointment or phone contact, please ask so that we can arrange this.

What will my Health Visitor do at these visits/meetings?

At the visit following the birth of your baby the Health Visitor will make sure your baby has received all their checks and assessments and advise you about immunisations. At all visits/meetings the Health Visitor will ask how you and your baby/child are doing, listen to any concerns you may have and advise appropriately.

This could be anything related to feeding, sleeping, health, behaviour and development.

What if I want advice between visits?

You can either phone on 0300 330 5777 or email us at, Monday-Friday, 9-5pm. Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Privacy | Greenwich 0 to 4.

You are also welcome to attend our Well Baby Clinics where you can weigh your baby (and record it in the red book) and see the Health Visiting team.

The Infant Feeding team is part of the Greenwich 0 to 4 Health Visiting Service providing additional evidenced-based information and specialist feeding support to our local families. In Greenwich, the Health Visiting service is working towards our assessment for reaccreditation Baby Friendly by UNICEF UK - UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative and our Children’s Centres services are accredited as Baby Friendly by UNICEF UK. This means that parents will be welcomed and supported however they are feeding their babies and all staff are trained to give up to date feeding information and support.

Our Infant Feeding drop-ins can support with:  

  • Thinking about feeding your baby for expectant parents  
  • Getting started with breastfeeding for pregnant and new parents  
  • Questions about breastfeeding, mixed feeding and formula feeding  
  • Expressing breastmilk  
  • Information about starting solids  
  • Questions about you baby’s weight  
  • Returning to work and breastfeeding  
  • Stopping breastfeeding  
  • Tongue tie and how to get help in Greenwich  
  • Reliable online support and resources  

See when our clinics are running on our Infant feeding clinic page.

If you wish to speak to us about the clinics, please call us on 0300 330 5777 or email Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Privacy | Greenwich 0 to 4.


Weighing your baby

If you don’t have feeding concerns but would like your baby weighed, please drop-in to one of our Well baby clinics where you can speak to a member of the Health Visiting team.

Please contact the Health Visiting Duty Line on 0300 330 5777 or email Monday to Friday 9-5pm. You will be offered an appointment at a local Children’s Centre. Calls may be recorded for training and quality purposes. To find out more, visit Privacy | Greenwich 0 to 4.

Known as the ‘red book’ due to its red cover, the Personal Child Health Record will be given to you by the Health Visitor at the first visit following your baby’s birth. It is where the Health Visitor will record your baby/child’s height and weight, vaccinations, and other important information, along with their name, NHS number, date of birth and useful contacts. You can write in the red book yourself about any illnesses or accidents your baby/child has, and about their development milestones such as their first words and the first time they walked.

Safeguarding is protecting those who are vulnerable from abuse or neglect. It means making sure children and young people are supported to get good access to health care and stay well. All children and young people need to have trusted adults around them to make sure they are kept safe from harm by other people, or from hurting themselves. It is also about taking action to enable all children and young people to have the best possible outcomes.

Safeguarding (children and young people)

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